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Treat yourself with this GORGEOUS JAM-PACKED MAGAZINE FOR ONLY $6.99. I am truly grateful to be working with DAM and I can assure you that we are working on making it better and better. Watch out for January issue.
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December issue
In other news:
Rein's birthday is tomorrow and we are off today to buy a present for her. She's actually overwhelmed with the Christmas gifts she received and she has no specific birthday request. She got everything on her christmas wishlist and when I asked her yesterday what she wanted, she just said a new bracelet. We'll have buffet lunch at Chef Mickey to celebrate. She wants to go to Disneyland again, probably she thinks it's just a regular park that you can go anytime you like :) But with my condition now at 33 weeks, it would be very uncomfortable for me.
Update on my pregnancy:
We went to my OB yesterday for routine check-up and NST. The baby is getting bigger, the result of NST is ok. We'll be back after 2 weeks for another NST and on Friday I have another appoitment with my Endoc. I know she'll be a bit disappointed with my sugar level due to the holidays.