I'm still here :)
Hi everyone!
It's been a loooong time. Finally got the chance to update my lil blog. A lot of things has been happening on my side of the world. Our lil munchkin is almost 18 weeks already. We've been going to the hospital for check-ups with my endoc and OB at least once every couple of weeks. On our last ultrasound, my OB told us that we will have an elective ultrasound on October 3 for a more comprehensive look at our baby. This is killing me since I have to wait for 2 more weeks and it feels like torture for me. They'll check baby for any defects or abnormalities. I'm hoping and praying that he/she is normal and healthy.
I just had a bad dream last night about my baby. I'm being paranoid and really pessimistic, I just won't be able to forgive myself if something is wrong especially because I am to blame. Please, please include us in your prayers :) My endoc added new oral meds for me. I went back and told her that I get dizzy and get tired easily, she said it's normal since the meds are helping me normalize my blood sugar. Right now, I'm still taking insulin shots 3X/day at 8 units each before meal and she adjusted my 12 units before bedtime to 8 units since I'm taking the oral meds. She said that I need a lot of rest and should not stress myself too much.
By the way, we witnessed a rather sad thing about a couple of weeks ago. When I was removing the clothes that were hanged at the veranda and Rein was watering the plants, she saw a woman who jumped off a building right across from ours. She was about 50 yrs old or so. I didn't see the exact fall but Rein said "fall down mama". When I saw her she was already on the street and a little later an ambulance came. Rein asked me "why?". I just told her she has a superpower and wings and she'll be okay. So we got inside for her not to see the police and the people there. It was devastating and I just said a short prayer for her. I wonder why she would do that.
My mom is back, Yipee!!! She got here last Thursday, she got delayed at the airport and the immigration officer called me to ask a lot of questions. This is because she just left Japan last August and came back just after a month. The officer told us that within a given calendar year, she couldn't stay longer in Japan than in her home country. And by now she has spent 7 of the last 9 months here in Japan but they understood my circumstance and said it's okay.
On Digi scrappin':
I got emails from several scrapbooking magazines (for print) that they are interested on my pages. I haven't told the designers about it yet, I know they will be delighted. I'm so happy that they want to publish my work, haven't really been active in digiland lately and this made me smile.
After Five Designs is open already. Please be sure to check it out. All the kits are really gorgeous and worth the penny. I'm happy to be part of this team. Congrats to the new designers!!!! Almost all kits are on SALE right now!!!! Hurry! :)
Have you checked Funky Playground Designs which is a new site. Isn't it fabulous? There are also new designers, be sure to check their yummy goodies.
Shabby Miss Jenn asked me to be part of her permanent Creative Team, I told her about my situation and we both agreed on the requirements. btw, I was her guest a while ago. She just had a call and all the new members are fabulous! Don't forget to check her gorgoeus goodies. I just love her!
Have you seen the September issue of The Artisan Notebook? You'll surely love it!!!
I know you are all waiting for the release of Digital Artist Magazine September issue, it will be available in a couple of days.
Please click on my blinkies on the right side, you will be surprised with all the gorgeous kits available from the designers I'm working with.
Be sure to check back again and as always, thank you soo much for your prayers and for stopping by. You surely made my pregnancy smooth and all the emails/private messages that I've been getting really made me happy.