Ohh... My poor neglected blog. I haven't been around for quite sometime. Busy, busy, busy.... My mom went back to Manila last March 9 and before that we were sooo busy visiting some kewl places here.
About Rein, she's really growing up soo fast. We always spend time at the Park because she loves to play on the slide, swing and play ball on the open field. She still adores Elmo but appreciates Blues Clues and loves Dora the Explorer. Her hair is finally getting longer.
Weather is soo unpredictable. There were times it's not soo cold and nights that were soo cold. Anyways, we are all waiting for spring. Yehey!!!
Karen and her kiddo visited us yesterday. We had fun so did Rein and Aidan. I cooked a Filipino dish "Nilagang Baka". We also discussed about our plans for Cherry Blossom.
Hubby's family will be coming sometime this April together with his niece and nephew. It will be a fun time for us especially for Rein.
Some updates in my Scrap World:
I'm soo happy with the things happening right now.
1.I was a featured Scrapper at DST last January.
2.My layouts were chosen at Digichick for the Scraplift Challenge last February.
3.I was a guest CT for Miss Hunibuni and Joana Carvalho last February and March.
3.I received a sweet email from Corina and was back in her arms again, after months of vacation in the Philippines.
4.Working with Scrap Girls as DT Team, Sandra, Sugar Giggles and Scrap kitchen, in addition to Fee, Corina and Marcie.
5.One of my page (You are my shining Star) was a featured page at MM (last March 27).
6.Five of my layouts will be published (2 of them weren't even posted on the galleries).
7. Rocking Guest CT gig with Gina Miller this April (YEHEY!!!).
8. May, June and July- for another AWESOME GUEST CT gig, I adore them!!! I'm soo happy and couldn't wait. They are AMAZING and really FAMOUS designers like my former Guest CT gigs.
9. My "a Child" layout will be included in one of the articles at SBB Ezine for June. Brenda told me it's perfect for Father's Day.
10. I got an email today that 3 of my layouts will be featured for May, June and July.
11. NicoleV is amazing!!! You have to check her Photo Actions at www.actions.nicoleV.com I'm sooo happy promoting her Photo Actions. It's all kewl! Thanks for trusting me. :)
I love the designers that i work with (Corina, Fee, Marcie, Sandra, Summer, Susan of Scrapkitchen and Scrap Girls DT). And, also the designers i worked with as their Guest CT, Joan and Dawn, and of course, who wouldn't love Gina Miller- She's such a sweet gal. I saw her comments on my pages...really sweet :)
I'm so grateful and truly happy. I really hope i could always update my blog. Even once a week, since we'll be busy for sure for the arrival of my husband's family.
Thanks for stopping by! :)