Developmental Milestones
* Lifts head for short period of time
* Moves head from side to side
* Prefers the human face to other shapes
* Makes jerky, arm movements
* Brings hands to face
* Has strong reflex movements
* Can focus on items 8 to 12 inches away
* May turn towards familiar sounds or voices
* Responds to loud sounds
* Blinks at bright lights
We were staying at Greenwoods. Mom flew from Taipei to Manila to see her first Grandchild. She was very happy and excited to cuddle her. Thank God she came here or else I didn't know what to do. She stayed for 2 weeks. I was advised to take it easy since I had an Operation (CS).
We had her Christening last Feb.12, 2005 at Santuario de San Antonio in Mc kinley Road, Forbes Park, Makati City. We wanted her to be baptised the soonest possible time. We went to our suppliers for invites, christening favors and caterer. We did all of those in 1 day together with our baby. She was behaved inside the car. A Joy-ride with her.